Sitemap - 2023 - Eedi Newsletter

The best of 2023

3-Read Friday #22

How to think about new ideas

3-Read Friday #21

Poor proxies for listening

3-Read Friday #20

Poor proxies for understanding

3-Read Friday #19

Explain the mistake

3-Read Friday #18

Correcting in green pen does not work ✍️

3-Read Friday #017

10 things we know about testing πŸ“

3-Read Friday #016

The opportunity cost of digging deeper ⛏️

3-Read Friday #015

The importance of rehearsal when coaching πŸŽ­πŸŽ¬πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€

Helping students listen to each other πŸ—£οΈπŸ”‡πŸ‘‚

3-Read Friday #014

The perils of Rounding Up students' answers πŸ’¬

3-Read Friday #013

13 ideas to help boost homework completion rates πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

3-Read Friday #012

Mini-whiteboard + Exam paper = ❀️❀️❀️

3-Read Friday #011

Pitfalls to avoid when going through answers

3-Read Friday #010

πŸŽ‰Brand-new, free maths resources for every maths topic πŸŽ‰

🎧Back to school: Four things to listen to🎧

😎 Free maths CPD 😎

3-Read Friday #009

Book-to-Board: One of my favourite uses of mini-whiteboards

3-Read Friday #008

How prescriptive should a Head of Department be?

3-Read Friday #007

The best maths worksheet ever?

3-Read Friday #006

The power of the Hypothesis Model when coaching

3-Read Friday #005

Boosting the participation ratio during our explanations

3-Read Friday #004

Participation ratio in lessons: the results are in!

3-Read Friday #003

3-Read Friday #002

How many of your students are participating?

3-Read Friday #001

The cost of classroom interruptions

Supercharging Think, Pair, Share

Coaching Case Studies #4

Busy tricking during the Do Now

The myth of copying things down

Coaching Case Studies #3

Two ideas for improving GCSE revision

Coaching Case Studies #2

Free Resource: GCSE Big 20

Free resource - variation spiders!

Coaching Case Studies #1

My Coaching Process

Coming soon